Centralise data

Integrate and unify data from multiple sources

KPI dashboarding

Gain end-to-end visibility into active processes

Root cause analysis

Guide operators through digital, lean workflows

Integrate with any tool

Replace static Excels with real-time KPI reports


Revolutionise your manufacturing operations

Are you dealing with inefficient order management, manual waste detection, excessive unplanned downtime, and poor process traceability?

Envision a production floor liberated from paper, data silos and static spreadsheets, where everything works seamlessly for you. It's called lean manufacturing - and that's exactly what FactryOS helps you to achieve.

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Factory FactryOS dashboard

Establish lean production operations

  • Gain end-to-end data visibility
    Follow up on the status of orders or batches - on any device.
  • Streamline your processes
    Manage operations in real-time. Optimise inventory and WIP levels.
  • Adapt production on-the-go
    Flexibly adjust operations to meet evolving customer needs.
  • Avoid unplanned downtime
    Identify trends and bottlenecks before they cause downtime.
  • Radically reduce waste
    Eradicate reworks and scrap through in-process quality checks.
  • Get a global view on operations
    Compare performances of multiple lines and sites in a glimpse.

Clients about FactryOS

Seamless integration, real-time control

Seamless integration, real-time control

Get process insights when you need them

Lacking real-time insights into the progress, efficiency and yield of your manufacturing operations?

Stop relying on manual processes and Excel workarounds to get basic insights into production status and performance.

Empower managers with real-time dashboards and KPI reports tailored to their needs. Uncover actionable insights to reduce waste, downtime and bottlenecks.

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Trusted by industry leaders

Some inspiring stories of clients across the globe.

The MES that grows with your needs

Move away from monolithic MES solutions. Due to scalable technologies and flexible modules, FactryOS allows you to start modestly, and scale rapidly.

Why not see for yourself?

Radically reduce waste and unplanned downtime. Streamline processes and quality with a scalable and user-centric MES tailored to your needs.