Improve your Grafana dashboards using Shared Queries and Repeat by Variable

Idil Dikbas on , updated

Grafana dashboards are extremely performant, but they can slow down when multiple panels make separate requests at the same time. Using Shared Queries allows panels to reuse the same data, improving both performance and ease of maintenance. Additionally, features like “Repeat by Variable” help create dynamic dashboards, reducing manual effort needed and ensuring consistency.

In this article, we are going to discover the benefits of Grafana’s Shared Queries and its potential use cases such as calculating OEE metrics and performing batch-to-batch comparisons.

The problem:

In Grafana every panel in a dashboard has its own individual query to its respective datasource. Every time a dashboard is refreshed, those queries will be executed all at once and fetch data from the datasource specified for that query.

When a dashboard contains many panels, this can lead to low performance. This is mainly because of the large amount of requests sent to the datasource(s) for fetching the desired data. To put it simply, the more panels a dashboard contains, the less performant it becomes.

Redundant queries in a dashboard are one of the contributors in increasing the load which eventually can cause a decrease in the performance of the dashboard. Moreover, maintaining these redundant queries is prone to mistakes, as they all need to be modified manually one by one.

The solution:

Shared Queries and “Repeat by Variable” are approaches that will help us to:

  • Improve the performance of our dashboard.
  • Prevent errors and inconsistencies that can be caused while modifying redundant queries one by one.

You can take a look at the Grafana documentation for Shared Queries and Repeat by Variable.

Shared Queries

Shared Queries in Grafana offer the user the ability to define a query once and reuse it across multiple panels in a dashboard.

Shared Queries play an important role in dataset preparation, allowing the use of Grafana filters such as time range and variables. A shared query can be used as a base query for creating different panels and then small desired transforms can be applied on top of the base query to achieve the desired result for each individual panel.

Load & maintenance

The main benefits of using Shared Queries are:

  • Ease of Maintenance: Shared Queries can be centrally managed and updated which makes it easier to maintain and modify dashboards as data sources or requirements change. When a query needs to be updated or modified, users only need to make the change in one query instead of having to update or modify queries in each panel. The ability to reuse a query can help to reduce the overall effort that is put into setting up a dashboard, as redundant queries can only be defined once and be reused across other panels. This simplifies maintenance and reduces the chance of errors introduced by updating multiple individual queries. Ensures consistency in the data. For instance, when dashboard variables or dashboard time range are used as filters in queries, the part for filtering data in queries will always be the same everywhere. Thus, consistency can be achieved.
  • Improved Performance: Shared Queries help improve performance by reducing the number of redundant queries sent to data sources leading to a decrease in load. When a dashboard contains some redundant queries, using Shared Queries can be very beneficial in terms of maintaining consistent data retrieval and reducing the load.

Use Cases


In a world of manufacturing and production, understanding and improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is crucial for optimising operations and maximising efficiency. OEE provides a measure of metrics quality, performance, and availability of a production process. Therefore, visualising OEE metrics is essential.

Grafana’s Shared Queries can be quite handy when it comes to visualising OEE metrics.

By leveraging the advantages of Shared Queries that are mentioned previously in this article, organisations can obtain deeper insights into their equipment effectiveness, ensure continuous improvement, and ultimately achieve higher efficiency.

This is particularly useful because, in typical OEE monitoring, multiple panels are required to display all the necessary data. For instance, three metrics that are mentioned previously have their individual panels. To have an insight of OEE metrics, another panel is usually used for showing the details of the data that is used for calculations of OEE metrics. Despite the need for separate panels, all of them utilise the same dataset.

Comparing batches

Batch to Batch Comparison

Incorporating Shared Queries into batch-to-batch comparisons of OEE metrics in Grafana offers numerous advantages, from ensuring consistency and accuracy to improving performance.

The OEE metrics of different batches can be compared easily with the help of Shared Queries. Since Shared Queries ensure that the same calculation methods and data sources are used across different batches, it provides a consistent basis for comparison. This standardisation is important for maintaining the integrity of comparisons, as it ensures that any observed differences are due to actual performance variations rather than differences in data handling.

We have utilised Shared Queries to prepare a dashboard for one of our clients for visualising their OEE metrics, batches and steps of their batches. Using this dashboard they are able to investigate thoroughly and pinpoint what has affected their production whether that is a specific batch or a specific step. Thus, they are able to improve their production processes to have optimal results.


Grafana’s Shared Queries are a built-in feature. Therefore, it does not require any action before it can be used.

  1. To get started with using Shared Queries, we first need to add a panel and define a query that will fetch the desired data from the datasource within the time interval that is chosen in the time range picker.

The variables in the WHERE clause are filled automatically with values that are picked with the time range picker.

  1. After this panel is saved, we will add a new panel to the dashboard.
  2. The datasource of this new panel will be chosen as “—Dashboard—”. Then we will choose the source as the panel we created previously

After setting up the new panel using the result of another panel, some transforms and/or overrides can be implemented in order to achieve the desired result.

For this panel, the aim was to calculate the product produced in the last production step. To achieve the desired result, we have performed two transformations which are “Organise fields by name” to filter out the columns we do not need and “Add field from calculation” to calculate total cakes produced.

Repeat by Variable

Overlays for batch to batch comparison

Dashboards can be further simplified by using the “Repeat by Variable” option in panel options. “Repeat by Variable” option enables the user to create a dynamic dashboard based on a dashboard variable. This is particularly useful when the same query needs to be used for visualising multiple entities, such as event properties, in a dashboard. This option requires a variable in the dashboard which has values that will be used for repeating a panel.

“Repeat by Variable” option can be used for creating dynamic dashboards that contain panels for parameters, such as temperature, pressure and speed, which have the same configuration.


  1. Firstly, we need to add a variable to our dashboard.
  2. Make sure that the multiselect is enabled for our variable.
  3. Create a new panel in the same dashboard.
  4. Use the variable in a panel query to filter the data based on the variable value.
  5. Use the variable in panel title and choose the variable that is created in the previous step in “Repeat by Variable” option.
  6. Choose the desired repeat direction.

After setting up the configuration, the variable can be used to repeat panels in your dashboard.


Unfortunately Shared Queries are not the answer to all our problems, there are a few limitations we need to keep in mind:

  1. With Shared Queries, we cannot add a query on top of the shared query, therefore, we are dependent on the transforms to restructure the dataset for a pane that uses Shared Queries.
  2. Shared Queries are limited within one dashboard. Therefore, it is not possible to share queries across multiple dashboards.


Shared Queries and “Repeat by Variable” features can be very beneficial in terms of ensuring consistency in our data, minimising errors in our queries and improving the overall performance of our dashboard. Moreover, these tools simplify the process of setting up and maintaining dashboards, saving time and effort.

Ultimately, they help to ensure reliable and consistent data while keeping the performance of the dashboard as optimal as possible.

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